
Bar Do Peixe 07

Patrick anuncia por todos lados la apertura de las inscripciones para el Bar Do Peixe 07:

Does anybody on this list know players that like tournaments where games
start at 2 PM? Where dinner is at midnight and where there are 6 nights of
parties and four days of playing? A tournament on a beach where there is
nothing else but a great seafood restaurant and 144 crazy Ultimate players?

In case you know people that like this, then tell them that registration for
the Portuguese Bar do Peixe co-ed hat tournament has started and will stay
open until 18 February:


But don't tell too many people... there are only 144 spots available.

Nunca fui. Me da la impresión que se trata de una gran fiesta; pero por lo que cuenta la gente, también se juega al ultimate ===;o)

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